D&D Homebrews

Dungeons and Dragons content published by Metallic Sun Media is hosted on dmsguild.com and created as part of the DMs Guild license. Products contain affiliate links.

Glimmer Agent (5e Roguish Archetype)
An alternative to the brooding rogue that sits in the corner - this rogue goes right out in the open and harnesses light to their benefit. Play as a nimble holy agent or light bending magician - either way, all eyes are sure to be on you. 

 It's a different way to play the rogue, which can help you break out of the troped backstory that plagues many rogues with a radiant flavor usually reserved for paladins and clerics. 

Includes a printer friendly black and white version. All images within © Wizards of the Coast and used with license via Dungeon Masters Guild resources.

Oath of the Steed (5e Paladin Oath)
The Oath of the Steed is a bond between a paladin and their most trusted companion: their mount. These paladins value all life and share a connection with animals that transcends time and space. They steep in the base instincts of life and give into their inhibitions, but also seek to show compassion and kindness to those deserving - and judgement to those who are not. 

 With cavalier being really the only official mount-based subclass in the game, I really wanted to make something that filled that void for the Paladin, especially because of their spell "Find Steed". I always felt the Cavalier felt too restricted to being on the mount at all times, and because it was fighter, there really couldn't be anything magical about it - so I made this subclass to fill that void. 

 Perfect for those that want to play a valiant horse-rider with magical abilities, power rangers, or even just want to be a brave horse lover. Not in that way of course.

 Includes a printer friendly black and white version. All images within © Wizards of the Coast and used with license via Dungeon Masters Guild resources.

Gourmand (5e Blue Mage Class)
Directly inspired by the character Quina from Final Fantasy IX, this class allows you to Devour your enemies to learn powerful magic spells on your journey! A blue-mage class for D&D 5e.

 Intelligence is no longer a dump stat! There are two archetypes, one for more melee-centric and one for more magic centric characters, since Quina sort of crossed the line between both. 

 Includes a printer friendly black and white version.

Dragoon (5e Class & Fighter Archetype)
Embrace your inner magical-anime-girl and play this new transformation D&D class. Gain spirit points as you attack and use them to transform and use magical elemental abilities. Heavily inspired by The Legend of Dragoon by Sony Computer Entertainment. 

Includes a printer friendly black and white version.

The Dealer (5e Class)
A massive class that puts the dice to the side and uses a real deck of cards front and center. They thrive in the chaotic nature of magic and believe wholeheartedly in letting fate decide itself with what is drawn. With both a standard 52 card deck, or a tarot deck, you too can play as a master of the cards inspired by your (maybe) favorites from other media.
Ever wanted to be gambit? The Cardshark archetype lets you fling cards from your combat deck with precision and deadly power as you channel yourself through them. Or maybe you're a diviner, wanting to tell the future of others through the cards. But your wild magic changes with each draw, and looking into the greater power of the Major Arcana excites you. Or maybe you've played Magic the Gathering or watched YuGiOh a lot. Either way, summoning creatures depending on your draw could be just what you had in mind.
Regardless of what you've wanted from the cards, here it is, complete with 30 new spells and 5 new monsters. Shuffle well, players.

Includes a printer friendly black and white version.


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